Municipal Bond Forum
Buying registered bonds
I have one primary requirement before purchasing a bond: I must have the certificate mailed to me after the purchase. I understand that it’s inconvenient when selling the bond, but that is not a concern. I do not actively trade in the bond market; rather, I keep the bonds to maturity or the call date. Do you provide this service, and if so, what is your charge to register the bonds in my name and have the interest payments sent to me directly through the paying agent?
James A. Klotz responds:
Although most bonds are issued today in book entry form, there are still some registered bonds available in the market. If bonds are “registerable,” we would be pleased to register them in your name, have the certificates mailed to you and you will receive your interest payments directly from the paying agent. There is no charge for this service.
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Do you have specific criteria for bonds you’re looking for? Let us know and we’ll e-mail you bonds that fit your needs. There is no charge for this service.
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