Your article did little to put my mind at ease. First, you repeatedly referenced AAA-rated bonds, but what about lesser grades, although higher than BBB? Seems you’re hedging your comments. And my understanding is that some of these bonds only get the AAA rating because of the insurance, so the underlying rating is less than that. Second, you say MBIA reports that it incurred losses on only 102 transactions of 93,211 issues in its 30-year history. That’s about one loss in every 900 issues. Seems relative high to me, given that the entry rating to get insurance is – as you say – an investment grade BBB. Third, in the last 30 years (or longer) we have never been in a financial climate like we are now. You are obligated to try and ease the concerns of your investors, but you are in an unenviable position of having a serious conflict of interest in trying to persuade us that all is well. I can’t sleep any better based on what you are telling us.
D.W., California